Travelling is fun, adventurous and thrilling. It can also be a little scary.
That’s why we’ve put all the important information you need when visiting Cape Town in one place.
TravelWise Cape Town is the official source of information to help Cape Town on its journey to being a truly responsible tourism destination, while maintaining its reputation for world-class tourism.
We believe that sustainable development and tourism go hand-in-hand and we’ve identified eight responsible tourism priorities that will take us to true sustainability. We’ve put together a collection of tools and resources to help businesses operate responsibly and to give visitors the information they need to travel responsibily. Take the journey together with us!
TravelWise Cape Town should be your first stop when planning your visit to our beautiful City.
After all, who better to ask than the locals?

The City of Cape Town has worked with the local tourism industry to develop a Responsible Tourism in Cape Town How-To Guide. It shares information on how the tourism industry can take action to make our City and its tourism facilities, services and products more responsible, while also helping ensure that our tourism sector keeps pace with international trends towards responsible business practice.
The How-To Guide
The How-To Guide has been published by the City of Cape Town to encourage and motivate tourism businesses in the city to manage their operations and market their establishments more responsibly. It is designed to be a straightforward first guide to implementing responsible tourism, with further helpful information on responsible tourism principles and terms.
The How-To Guide is available free for download as PDF.