Cape Town is open to travellers from around the world.
Some countries may require quarantine on return from foreign travel. Please consult your local government website for up-to-date information on your country’s quarantine requirements.
Here is a list of telephone numbers for embassies in South Africa.
Country | Telephone |
Angola | 021-425 8700 |
Austria | 012 423 6200 |
Belgium | 021-419 4690/1 |
Bulgaria | 021 556 0086 / 012 342 3720 |
Brazil | 021-421 4040 |
Canada | 021-945 4960 |
China | 021-674 0988 |
Chile | 021-554 3241 |
Colombia | 072-1814-735 |
Cyprus | 021-466 5225 |
Estonia | 082-550 6363 |
Finland | 021 700 2800 |
France | 021-423 1575 |
Georgia | 082 575 8888 / 012 346 1831 |
Germany | 021 405 3000Embassy website |
Ghana | 021-671 6199 |
Greece | 021-424 8160/1 |
Guatemala | 082-966-1130 |
Hungary | 021-886 8855 |
India | 021-419 8110 |
Indonesia | 021 761 7015 |
Italy | 021-487 3900 |
Lithuania | 021-439 9030 |
Japan | 021-425 1695 |
Madagascar | 021-674 7238 |
Malta | 082 906 2000 / 021 911 0631 |
Maldives | 021-650 2076 |
Mauritius | 021-438 8151 |
Mozambique | 021-418 2131/2 |
Namibia | 021-419 2810 |
Netherlands | 021-421 5660 |
Norway | 021-2008199 |
Paraguay | 082-446 6631 |
Peru | 082-444-9716 |
Philippines | 021-433 2270 |
Portugal | 021-418 0080/81 |
Romania | 021-761 1781 |
Russia | 021-418 3656 |
Seychelles | 021-713 1583 |
Slovakia | 021-715 8833 |
Slovenia | 021 976 2248 |
Spain | 021-422 2415 |
Sri Lanka | 021-839 2921 |
Sudan | 021-418 1347 |
Sweden | 021-2008199 |
Switzerland | 021-400 7500 |
Turkey | 021-788 7069 |
United Kingdom | 021-405 2400 |
USA | 021-702 7300 |
Vanuatu | 021-434 6517 |
Zimbabwe | 021-461 1994/5 |